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Directors 2022-2024

Anyone Can Be A Rotarian!


Katherine Bennin


PDG Bill Rupp

Immediate Past President &

Executive Secretary

Doug Herrick

Welcome to Maywood Rotary Club! One of the longest established clubs in District 7490. You are welcome to come attend our meeting any time. We would be more than happy to have you!

Follow Us

The Maywood Rotary Club is currently meeting the first Tuesday and second Thursday of the month, at 6pm, at the Twin Door Tavern in Maywood.

Email for additional information.

Rotary International News

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Current Club News and Events

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Past Projects

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Let’s Feed Maywood is a Maywood Rotary Club program helping put food on the table of individuals and families affected by the health and  humanitarian crisis.

Our goal is to meet the food needs of Maywoodians with compassion and integrity.

We believe every person has a right to adequate food.  We are asking for your help in making another needed program a  success.

 What has Maywood Rotary Club done during the health crisis?
Maywood Rotary Club has been working throughout the pandemic to assist our community and the surrounding communities. 

With the help of donors like you, our COVID-19 Relief Fund provided food from local businesses to feed local healthcare workers and first  responders.

The Relief Fund has used your generous donations for the following projects:
•Feeding local families through the Maywood Ave School Food Pantry and Maywood Rotary Club used profits from your donation to provide food and food store gift cards to Maywoodians in need.

•Providing breakfast for 300 healthcare workers at Bergen Community College,   Newbridge Medical Center and Maywood’s Mobile testing sites 
•Providing breakfast and lunch to over 400 local healthcare workers through local restaurants
•Purchasing Gift Cards from local Businesses
•Providing dinner for the hungry at the Bergen County Shelter
•Donating food to the Carroll Family Values project

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